Possibly connected to the recent Tokyopop hullabalo, I got an e-mail from Amazon telling me that my pre-order for Kingdom Hearts II volume three had been cancelled. Boo! So I looked into it. While I found the listing for that book was still there on both Amazon.com and .ca (where I make my orders of course!), I discovered that a lot of listings for Tokyopop’s books have vanished. While TP never had as many advance listings as Viz or DelRey, they still had a couple volumes ahead of many of the series I collected. Well, no longer! Relevant to recent events? Perhaps.
Also Kingdom Hearts related: Despite it being one of Tokyopop’s best selling books on a fairly consistant basis, it seems they won’t be publishing the side manga stories. Also drawn by Shiro Amano, as the three KH series Tokyopop’s released so far, they’re collections of short stories relevant to the video game and it’s cast. Two of the short story series, The First Door and Darkness Within are being published instead by Disney Press. What TokyoPop does seem to be publishing, however, is a Kingdom Hearts artbook in October 2008.
[…] Lissa Pattillo gets an e-mail telling her that her pre-order for vol. 3 of Kingdom Hearts II was cancelled, and when she goes […]
What?! D8 Noooo! I want my Kingdom Hearts! Seriously, Tokyopop needs to get it together! They've been so flaky these last few years, and my disgust for them has been multiplying accordingly! Ugh, they make me so sick with all their drama! Just publish the KH!