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Seven Seas Licenses All Ages’ Young Miss Holmes

Seven Seas Licenses Miss Holmes

Seven Seas released a PR confirming their license of Kaoru Shintani’s Christie: High Tension series, titled for English release as Young Miss Holmes.

“Christie Holmes is a prodigy. At ten years old, she’s as familiar with the sciences and classics as any older student at Cambridge or Oxford. And her facility with logic is reminiscent of her uncle, the eminent Sherlock Holmes himself. So, what’s a brilliant young girl to do when her parents are away in India, leaving her behind in the care of maids and servants? Solve mysteries, of course.”

The series is labelled All Ages and will be released as two-in-one omnibus books. Young Miss Holmes is currently seven volumes in Japan and still on-going. Along with cameos from Christie’s famous uncle Sherlock and his crime-solving partner, Watson, Seven Seas also notes that the first book will include an arc about characters appearing in another of their currently running series, Dance in the Vampire Bund. On an amusing note, the PR specifically states the release date of March 2012 for this volume was chosen to coincide with the theatrical release of the new Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law.

The first omnibus book for Young Miss Holmes originally appeared on in early October. It’s full price is listed as $18.99/CAN for a page count of 384 pages. It isn’t mentioned in the PR if a digital edition will be made available as with their recent omnibus release of My Boyfriend is a Vampire.

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

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3 Responses

  1. JRB says:

    “The series is labelled All Ages… will include an arc about characters [from] Dance in the Vampire Bund.”

    Does not compute. Unless Seven Seas is simply assuming no actual kids will read it, even if it’s labelled All Ages.

    • Lissa says:

      It\’s a weird crossover between the series for sure. I can see Dance in the Vampire Bund fans reading Young Miss Holmes for the cameo, but people who read Young Miss Holmes first then moving onto Dance in the Vampire Bund? Ehhhh… probably unlikely to work as well, especially if Seven Seas is going to target YMH to children.

  2. […] their recent news about acquiring Young Miss Holmes, the company is starting a trend of mystery-solving, Victorian-era titles. Very neat! I really look […]

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