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Year In Review: The Kuriousity of 2011 and Beyond

Kuriousity 2011 and Beyond

Here at are the end of the holiday season – decorations are going away, hangovers are being recovered from and everyone’s getting back work. We’ve got the big wide world of 2012 ahead of us – Happy New Year!

In celebration we’ve got a brand spankin’ new layout. I stripped Kuriousity down to the basics with some shiny rotating artwork, a new logo and the same fun content. I hope you like it and if there are any issues, don’t hesitate to let me know!

In recap of 2011, I went back and revisited our top posts and site news of the year. It was an enjoyable trip down memory lane and a good way to say bye to the old and look forward to the new. Onward!

In Kuriousity news of 2011, we welcomed Victoria Martin as a contributor to the site and my On The Shelf articles over at Otaku USA have provided a consistent release list resource that I hope has been as beneficial to readers as it’s been to me. Toronto Comics Art Fest and New York Comic Con were my big trips of the year, leading to many amazing experiences and posts for the site. Fingers crossed for more in 2012!

Pokemon ended up being the hot button topic (as seen in our top posts) when it came to news I got the most e-mails, inquiries and follow-ups about. Who knew? We saw a huge increase in digital manga news from publishers in 2011 and as a result made the decision to keep Kuriousity primarily focused on titles remaining in print.

Below are some of the year’s top posts here at Kuriousity. The Top 5’s are based on page views compared to others throughout the year.

Top 5 (Non-Review) Posts

Viz Media Adds New Pokemon, Fantasy and Omnibus for 2011
TCAF 2011: Spotlight on Natsume Ono
Yaoicon 2011: Viz Media Launches SuBLime BL Imprint
Viz Media Elaborates on Pokemon Black & White Release
Digital Manga Launches Hentai Imprint – Project H

Top 5 Reviews

Sand Chronicles (Vol.10)
Blood Blockade Battlefront (Vol. 01)
Right Here, Right Now (Vol. 02)
Codename Sailor V (Vol. 01)
No Longer Human (Vol. 01)

Most Commented Posts

Viz Media Launches New Website and Leaves Much to Be Desired
Yaoicon 2011: Viz Media Launches SuBLime BL Imprint
Viz Media Adds New Pokemon, Fantasy and Omnibus for 2011
Kodansha Comics Announces Release of Sailor Moon Manga

Total Number of Posts: 267
Total Reviews: 63

Our review count really dropped this year as we all took some much needed breathers. Even the things you love to do require a break now and again! However with the New Year upon us, we’re refreshed and ready to face 2012 with our books in hand, thoughts in mind and words on screen! You can see us catch up on some recent titles in December’s archives.

On the note of reviewing, my personal thanks goes to Ed Sizemore and his post that touches on some similar sentiments when he stepped down from manga reviewing over at Comics Worth Reading. Sometimes the one thing you really need to hear (or read) is someone else articulate your thoughts way better than you can. To the luck and fortune of manga readers, Ed is continuing his manga-related podcasting over at Manga Out Loud. Yay!

And so we leave 2011 behind us – a year of so much amazing manga and plenty of interesting news and conventions. What next?! Here’s to 2012!

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Kuriousity.ca. Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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One Response

  1. […] MTV Geek, I took a look back at the big manga events of 2011. Lissa Pattillo has a year in review post at Kuriousity as […]

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