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Posts Tagged Soul Eater

On The Shelf: July 24th, 2013

On The Shelf - July 24th, 2013

It’s a big week for Yen Press with a stack of fresh manga volumes to help us get through these rainy days. …Or boiling hot days, depending on where you are.

Though I’m still in the fading stages of my Sailor Moon overload from last week‘s final volume, my enthusiasm will soon to be shifting to what lands in my shopping bag today, notably Black Butler (Vol. 14) and Doubt (Vol. 02).

And don’t forget about Shonen Jump, which comes out every week! This week’s issue includes, among many other things, the final chapter of Cross Manage and the second installment of Akira Toriyama’s new series, Jaco the Galatic Patrolman.

Black Butler (Vol.14) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Bloody Monday (Vol.11) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Doubt (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Is This a Zombie (Vol.05) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
K-ON! College [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Puella Magi Oriko Magica (Vol.01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Soul Eater (Vol.15) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Until Death Do Us Part (Vol.04) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – June 5th, 2013

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - June 5th, 2013

I have a feeling June is going to be one of those months where my manga budget gets stretched… …by a lot. Enjoy the first wave of manga out this month, and check out my thoughts at Otaku USA’s On The Shelf article for books out this week.

Are You Alice? (Vol.01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Black God (Vol.10) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Blood Lad (Vol.03) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Blood-C (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
BTOOOM! (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Dragonball 3-in-1 (Vol.01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Durarara!! Saika Arc (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
GTO: 14 Days in Shonan (Vol.09) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (Vol.01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Missions of Love (Vol.03) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Omamori Himari (Vol.10) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Pokemon Black & White (Vol.10) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Sacred Blacksmith (Vol.01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Soul Eater (Vol.14) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan (Vol.04) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Thermae Romae (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Umineko: Turn of the Golden Witch (Vol.01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]

Review: Soul Eater (Vol. 11)

Soul Eater (Vol. 11)

Manga-ka: Atsushi Ohkubo
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Teen (13+)
Release Date: November 2012

Synopsis: “Arachnophobia has taken the offensive and spreads the Kishin’s madness throughout the world, using “BREW” to threaten anyone who stands in their way. In the wake of attacks at home and abroad, DWMA sends its top students to quell the madness and gather information wherever they can. But the madness is spreading much quicker and is stronger than they had anticipated. When confronted by an incarnation of the Kishin’s madness itself – the sinister Clown – will Maka and Soul fall victim to its manipulations?”

Volume eleven of Soul Eater picks up right where volume ten ended, with the DWMA on the defensive under Arachnophobia’s assault. The first chapter focuses exclusively on dealing with Stein, who is the main suspect in the murder that ended the previous book. It’s filled with good use of emotion and shots without dialogue, though it is at times not the easiest narrative to follow. This only increases when most of the other chapters in this volume are solely dedicated to focusing on Maka and Soul, which leads to some disconnect in the volume as a whole. While of course these chapters were originally published in a serialized format, I still do prefer for a volume to have some sense of unity, which this one definitely does not.

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Otaku USA: On The Shelf – March 27, 2013

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - March 27, 2013

Much to my sadness there were no new volumes of manga released last week, hence no On The Shelf article for March 20th. We’re back to regular manga business this week however, so you can check out my On The Shelf articlefor Otaku USA to read about the goodies now available!

Angelic Layer (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Blood Lad Omnibus (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Durarara Saika Arc (Vol.01) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Genshiken Second Season (Vol.02) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Higurashi When They Cry: Massacre (Vol.21) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Jack Frost (Vol.07) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Soul Eater (Vol.13) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]

Otaku USA: On The Shelf – January 23, 2013

Otaku USA: On The Shelf - January 23, 2013

More manga, more power! Or at least entertainment! I was spoiled by an early delivery week from Diamond Comics, so I was able to purchase a couple of this week’s titles last week. That means I can tell you for sure that there are some super gems out this week. Notably, Bride’s Story (Vol.04) and Black Butler (Vol.12) from Yen Press. Both were great!

You can read my thoughts on all this week’s titles at Otaku USA’s On The Shelf article, written as always by yours-truly.

Black Butler (Vol.12) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Black God (Vol.18) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Bride’s Story (Vol.04) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan (Vol.03) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
Soul Eater (Vol.12) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]
The Flowers of Evil (Vol.04) [Amazon CAN, Amazon US, RightStuf]

Review: Soul Eater (Vol. 10)

Soul Eater (Vol. 10)

Manga-ka: Atsushi Ohkubo
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: August 2012

Synopsis: “With Doctor Stein unable to carry on, Maka, Kid, and Black☆Star enter the magnetic field to take up the mission and locate the tempestuous demon tool known as Brew. Time is quickly running out as the three face off against Mosquito, struggling to harmonize their wavelengths within the magnetized vortex. They’ll be lucky to escape with their lives, let alone the demon tool!”

When last we discussed Soul Eater, the series was visually impressive, but plot-wise had too much obvious filler. Volume ten is another piece of that same plot line, and likewise is mostly rising action, but it works better as for the most part actions and development feels much weightier this time round.

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Review: Soul Eater (Vol. 08)

Soul Eater (Vol. 08)

Manga-ka: Atsushi Okubo
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: February 2012

Synopsis: “While Black☆Star and Tsubaki keep Mifune and Mosquito distracted, Sid is able to locate Arachnophobia’s demon tool and put an abrupt end to their sinister plans. But though the evil organization won’t be manipulating anyone’s morality anytime soon, the blueprints for the dangerous tool are sealed away in Shinigami-sama’s secret vault rather than destroyed. Surely Shinigami-sama would never think of constructing a demon tool himself?!”

My experience with Soul Eater before reading this volume is, I must admit, a tad limited. I know of the series mostly by reputation and have read a chapter of it in YenPlus. But beyond that, I went into this volume with very little knowledge beyond what I could find on Wikipedia. It’s a challenge I’ve faced before as a reviewer but I find that can be interesting in its own way, since you can really look at how a single volume stands on its own, more so than if you are seeing it as just part of a whole.

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