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Posts Tagged Voice or Noise

Review: Voice or Noise (Vol. 02)

Manga-ka: Yamimaru Enjin
Publisher: BLU
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Released: March 2008

Synopsis: “Shinichiro and Narusawa are getting closer, but it’s been months since Narusawa’s cat Acht said a word to either of them. Determined to get him talking again, Shinichiro rushes off to Tokyo were Naruawa is teaching a special seminar. But after a crazy night of drinking and sexual advances from Naruawa’s students, is Shinichiro really ready for relationship? This next volume of Voice or Noise proves the sometimes actions do speak louder than words…”

In volume two of Voice or Noise, Shinichiro continues to lament the loss of communication with Acht, the spirited black cat who stopped speaking after an accident. Wishing to find a way to talk to his feline friend, and better understand his natural abilities, Shinichiro begs Narusawa to begin training him again to understand animals. However his growing feelings for the older man are becoming a bit problematic.

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Review: Voice or Noise (Vol. 01)

Manga-ka: Yamimaru Enjin
Publisher: BLU
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Released: November 2007

Synopsis: “When Shinichiro’s beloved dog, Flappy, starts acting up and disobeying commands, his trusted bet gives him a strange and unexpected referral; he sends Shinichiro to his long-time friend, Narusawa, a college professor who can apparently communicate with animals. At first Narusaea denies that he has this special skill, but a snarky, talking black cat gives away Narusawa’s secret and reveals that Shinichiro may have this special gift himself…”

After a trip to the vet warrants no help for Shinchiro’s dog and his sudden strange behavior, a referral leads the concerned owner to Narusawa, a cold and unconcerned college professor. Shinchiro learns that Narusawa, despite his standoffish attitude, has the amazing ability to speak to animals. Shinchiro wishes to have this power as well and learns that it may actually already possess the talent. He wants Narusawa to teach him to understand animals but doesn’t realize that it may not be that simple.

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