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Review: Can’t Win With You! (Vol. 03) – eManga Edition

Reviewer: Jaime Samms

Author: Satosumi Takaguchi
Manga-ka: Yukine Honami
Publisher: eManga
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: March 2008

Synopsis: “Shuuiku Academy’s students are leaving for summer vacation, but Yuuhi-kun is stuck in the dorm. It doesn’t matter that home lies on the same backwoods country property as the school campus – his house is being remodeled, so Yuuhi’s got nowhere else to go! Likewise, Sango-san will be staying behind to keep an eye on things, leaving the two of them all alone with nothing but time on their hands. Will being away from prying eyes lead Sango to temptation?”

This volume threw me for a loop. I completely did not get the whole dream sequence until the very end of that section, so while I was reading it, while it was kind of entertaining, it was also just a bit…odd. Once I realized it was a dream, it made more sense though.

I found this volume was mostly a lot of nonsense, but still, the art work was worth looking at, and it was mildly entertaining. I wonder at the obsession with cross dressing. Is it an excuse for the more tender feelings? Or just for fun? I’m sometimes inclined to think it’s a bit of a cop out. If one boy is in drag and looks like a girl, then it’s okay. I know it’s just another trope of the genre, and all. I just wonder sometimes.

If I could have asked for one thing from this series, it would have been to see ‘Big Brother’ validate his own feelings a little more, but part of the fun of these things, I guess, is about the chase, and your left wondering if maybe the director is getting a little closer to his goal at last.

I think the manga-ka just had a great time exploring fun stuff in this volume. Her art is, as usual, clean, expressive, and very pretty to look at. Hayate is still my favourite character, though. He always looks so very intense.

This is a much shorter review than I usually put out, but really, this is a pretty light volume, content wise. The whole story, the important bits, anyway, have already been told. This felt like just a bit of a fun romp through the Happily Ever After of the boys’ lives.

As a whole, the series isn’t likely to rock anyone’s world, but it’s entertaining enough for a couple light hours of frivolous reading, and the art work is very, very well worth the cost of admission.

Review written August 23, 2010 by Jaime Samms
Digital copy provided by eManga for review purposes

Jaime Samms

About the Author:

Jaime Samms has been writing gay romance and fiction for quite some time now, and reviewing it for almost as long. She's published with e-publishers Freya’s Bower, Lovyoudivine Alterotica and soon, Total e-Bound and Drollerie Press. "Writing is quite a passion for me. I’ve been asked many times why write about love affairs between men, when I clearly am not one, and really, it feels right to me. Not a terribly informative answer, but there it is."

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  1. […] 1 of Alice the 101st (Tangognat) Lori Henderson on vol. 1 of Bakuman (Manga Xanadu) Jaime Samms on vol. 3 of Can’t Win With You (Kuriousity) Sean Gaffney on vol. 2 of Chi’s Sweet Home (A Case Suitable for Treatment) Ken […]

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