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Velvet Fantasies: Project H & Sublime Add New Mature Titles

Velvet Fantasies

Two new manga licenses today, both coming our way via the power of social media. SuBLime and Project-H each announced one new title via their Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Velvet Kiss (2 volumes) – Chihiro Harumi
Publisher: Project-H Books (Rated 18+)

“Nitta Shin finds himself saddled with a sudden, crushing debt. His loan agent tells him he can escape repayment if he keeps a particular woman company. He gradually learns that this arrangement might not be as easy as he once thought.” – DigitalManga

Oku-san’s Daily Fantasies – Takatsuki Noboru
Publisher: SuBLime (Rated 18+) – Digital Only

“Oku-san often buys useless stuff online, but not because it’s his hobby, but because this way he can see Sudou Riki, the good-looking delivery man. Not being able to do anything about his crush, he can’t help but fantasize…” – BakaUpdates

Velvet Kiss currently has no release date but will be in print. Oku-san’s Daily Fantasies is currently a digital only release scheduled for December. SuBLime reps remind us that strong digital sales could potentially mean print for their currently digital-only title someday.

I’d never heard of Oku-san’s Daily Fantasies until now but it seems to have quite a bit of fan excitement behind it and sounds pretty silly (in a good way!). Drama and sex is great and all but I love a fun comedy sometimes.

And has anyone looked closely at the Project-H logo before? It’s pretty clever – a cascading circular nosebleed over top an open book. I only just gave it a good look today and I was pretty entertained by it. Pervy and still visually classy.

My thanks to Sean for the heads up regarding the Velvet Kiss license.

About the Author:

Lissa Pattillo is the owner and editor of Kuriousity.ca. Residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia she takes great joy in collecting all manners of manga genres, regretting that there's never enough time in the day to review or share them all. Along with reviews, Lissa is responsible for all the news postings to the website and works full time as a web and graphic designer.

Kuriousity does not condone or support the illegal distribution of manga online.
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2 Responses

  1. JRB says:

    Ahem. The Velvet Kiss blurb is ascribed to SuBLime, which for a minute made me think they were taking the imprint in a very odd direction indeed.

    “Drama and sex is great and all but I love a fun comedy sometimes.”

    Be warned that it’s made of 20% silliness, 80% smut, and 0% plot coherence. The art is very pretty, though.

    • Lissa says:


      And 20% silliness, 80% smut and 0% plot coherence sounds like a winning combo for me as long as I love the art. Your description of pretty and the cover art tells me there\’s a good chance I\’ll like this one ^^ It\’s a real shame it\’s digital-only though; it\’s the only thing that might mean I don\’t read it. We shall see when December comes around!

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