
Welcome to Kuriousity

News, reviews and features with a focus on manga, self-published works and a Canadian perspective. Enjoy fulfilling your Kuriousity!

SITE RETIRED - Thank you for the years of support and readership!

Archive for the Site Updates Category

Comment Issues on Kuriousity

Hey everyone – just a short post to give heads up and some apologies for some comment issues for anything posted in the last evening. I mistakenly deleted three valid comments that had gotten trapped in the Spam catch. If yours was one of them (including someone who wrote a detailed and honest rebuttal to my post about Viz Media’s website, and a comment on my Ouran Host Club review), I apologize profusely and welcome a re-comment.

Speaking of Viz Media’s website, they’ve begun updating their new site with content! There’s now manga info available and nice simple new URLs so finding series is relatively easy even if you have difficulty finding it via the imprint breakdowns. (Example: . There’re still a number of broken links in place but Google is already catching up with their new manga links to slowly replace the dead links it was indexing from their old site. Yay for finding stuff again!, Site Tweakage and Onwards to NYAF!

Now available as!

Hey everyone – a few quick notes today about some little tweaks and changes that I’ve made around Kuriousity lately. Most exciting news though first-off is that you can now reach our website with the URL –! Only took three years to get this address but finally something true to our Canadian -side and easier to remember!

In content-news, I’ve been working to clean up some of the static pages and my first stop was the dust-gathering Oh!Canada section. Clicking the Canadian flag in the header bar now leads a page that is both a link-hub to the relevant sections but also to those posts under the Canada category. Within Oh!Canada I’ve also revamped the Canadian Comic Shops page so that all provinces are on a single, easily-navigated page. Always looking for short reviews of stores around the country so send me an e-mail if you’d like to submit one.

Across the site, all posts now include an Author tag. All posts in the past have been posted by yours truly but now you can expect some news and editorial posts to go along with the reviews already provided by the rest of the fabulous Kuriousity crew! Some recent posts have been Andre’s sleuthing about DelRey that ended up preluding their transfer over to Kodansha, while Shannon has been sharing thirteen manga series she recommends for Halloween reading this October.

Expect some more changes, additions and hopefully helpful little tweaks across the site in the next couple of weeks.

As for this week however, I’ll be down in New York for New York Anime Fest to meet a ton of awesome folks, sit in on some panels, spelunk the vendors room and be a generally eager tourist in America’s Big Apple. Heading to NYAF this weekend as well? Let me know! I’m exciting to meet people. Expect updates on the site throughout the weekend, as well as quick updates to my Twitter account with any news or fun tidbits as they happen.

Short Site Hiatus re: Animinitime Part Two

Two days without a post – we’re not dead, we swear! Though it means a lot people have actually asked. It makes us happy to know readers have come to look forward to Kuriousity’s daily posts and they shall be returning shortly!

Due to an upcoming convention that 5/6 of the Kuriousity are staffing at (just realized that – neat!), the site will be on a short hiatus for a couple more days. Manga news, reviews and that odd stuff in between will return after this weekend and the conclusion of our second Animinitime event.

Until then happy manga reading!

Kuriousity – 3 Years and Blogging

On July 6 2007 I posted my first review here on Kuriousity. Suffice to say I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I started using Kuriousity as a blog (and not simply a server for uploading stuff) – there were inline frames involved – but thanks to lots of helpful hints, inspiring experiences and lots of trial and error, here I am able to post that Kuriousity can celebrate (?) its third birthday!

Obligatory but completely deserved thanks go to Marsha, Shevaun, Shannon, Andre and Jaime who’ve joined me here on Kuriousity to add lots of variety to the titles reviewed, publishers doing a great job releasing all the material we enjoy, manga artists for making all the material we love and readers for reading the books and sharing our affection for them! Of course a thanks to fellow bloggers who always have something to get me thinking and Kuriousity readers who never cease to inspire us to share and inform, not to mention those who have suggested so many series to read in comments that I’ve discovered tons of great books thanks to you all as well!

Three years and nearly 700 reviews later, I like to think Kuriousity is still going strong. I know I keep having fun with it so I suppose that’s what matters. Happy three-years Kuriousity! And hopefully many more :)

Short Site Hiatus re: Animinitime


A little belated in my posting about it but Kuriousity will be taking a very short hiatus for the next couple of days (week including the silence since Wednesday). Reason being is my weekend being overtaken by a local anime convention, Animinitime!

I’ll be having a post-con mini report on the event (from the con-chair’s perspective?) and will be back to regular Kuriousity news and review postings on Tuesday, April 27.

Many thanks for always stopping by everyone! Have a beautiful Spring weekend :)

Jaime Samms Joins Kuriousity as BL Light Novel Reviewer

Today I’m proud to officially announce our newest reviewer here at Kuriousity: Jaime Samms. She’ll be covering a sorely-lacking-until-now portion of the site – boys’ love light novels! You can read her first review of Digital Manga’s Caged Slave.

“Hi! I’m Jaime Samms, also known as dontkickmycane in live journal land. I’ve been writing gay romance and fiction for quite some time now, and reviewing it for almost as long, since I tend to have lots of opinions… …My love for all things Yaoi is what brought me here, and I’m so pleased to join the team. I have no complaints about all the reading I’ll have to do, either!” – Read more…

Welcome to the team, Jaime!

Happy Holidays 2009!

Kuriousity has landed itself in a momentary hiatus the last week – my apologies to readers for the sudden lull! Life has thrown more than its compacted share of curve balls that’s for sure. But rest assured we’ll be back after the holidays with new reviews, news, thoughts on the past year and the introduction of Kuriousity’s newest reviewer!

But until then –


May everyone’s days be full of smiling faces, seasonal cheer and good times all around with friends and family :)

Launch of, Kuriousity Questions


Today I’m officially cutting the proverbial ribbon on – a sister-site of sorts for Kuriousity that focuses on just what the name would imply – boys’ love and yaoi! If you want to learn more or share some ideas of what you’d like to see on, by all means please head over to the official launch post and let me know what you think.

On the Kuriousity side of things, I have a few questions for my readers. While working on, which has a different layout and font structure than Kuriousity, I came to find that I really like the larger more spaced-out font – but before making any big changes on Kuriousity, I’d like to know what you think as far as readability goes (plus I know myself well enough that I’m often biased to whatever’s new and different).

Is the font size and style easy to read here? Would you prefer something a different size, style, colour…?

Also if there’s any other content you’re interested in seeing here on Kuriousity please let me know as well. With the new year coming up, it’s the perfect time to make some fresh changes around here and I’m open to people’s thoughts and suggestions. I’ve gotten positive feedback regarding the recent upgraded release schedules and I’m always happy to hear visitors come here because they find the content useful.

In the meantime I hope boys’ love fans will take a gander over at and enjoy the new format (and gorgeous header image).

Join Kuriousity: Currently Seeking Yaoi Light Novel Reviewer

Currently Seeking - BL Light Novel Reviewer

Here at Kuriousity we do our best to cover as many manga releases and genres as we can but it becomes more than apparent with so many great books out there to read that there’s just not enough hours in the day! So as of now we’re officially looking for a new reviewer to add to our team.

We’re currently looking for a Yaoi/Boys’Love Light Novel Reviewer. Chosen applicant(s) will not be expected to solely review light novels but that will be the focus of this position.

The role of reviewer is not paid but you will recieve copies of books to review and they’re yours to keep! All applicants must currently reside in Canada, be 18 years of age or older and of course have an interest in boys’ love, manga and writing.

Interested? Send your name, e-mail and an example review to reviews (a)

Revamped Feature – Manga Release Schedules

One part suggestion-implementation and one-part not being able to stick with one thing for too long, I’m both relieved and pleased to announce the new release schedule format here on Kuriousity!

Manga Release Schedules
(Feature discontinued)

Starting with January 2010 you can view the list of releases scheduled for that month and sort the list either by name, creator, publisher or rating. Also instead of posting one month at a time, I’ll now be updating the year’s worth of release lists as the information becomes available. It’s still got a few gaps in the info but it’ll be a continuously updated feature so drop by every now and again and see what new goodies have popped up!

Having spent today compiling these lists, I can definitely say that my paychecks have never been planned so many months ahead. My thanks to those who shared their thoughts regarding the previous incarnation of my release lists and to the creators of the incredibly useful plug-in that saved me hours of time on this format. Enjoy Kuriousity visitors – I hope it proves useful in all your purchase-planning endeavours :)

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