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Author Archive for Shevaun Morrison

Review: Higurashi When They Cry – Cotton Drifting Arc (Vol. 01)

Author: Ryukishi07
Manga-ka: Yutori Houjyou
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: May 2009

Synopsis: “You’ve already met Keiichi Maebara and his mischievous friends in the Abducted by Demons Arc. But Oyashiro-sama’s curse is poised to strike anew in Hinamizawa village. When Keiichi spots tomboy Mion working at a maid café, he can hardly believe his eyes! But it’s not Mion after all — it’s her identical twin sister, Shion. Keiichi’s never heard of this “twin sister” before and suspects it’s just another one of Mion’s pranks. But through Shion, Keiichi is able to see a quieter, more feminine side of his best friend, even if it is all an act. As Keiichi spends more time with Shion, however, Rena grows more accusatory…”

When I first started reading this volume, I couldn’t help but think I’d read it before. It has all the same characters from the Abducted by Demons Arc it just happens that most of the story takes place before the beginning of that arc. In this one, there are only a few hints toward the eerie truth of the town, and honestly they aren’t all that big.

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Review: Welcome to Wakaba-Soh (Vol. 01)

Manga-ka: Chaco Abeno
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: June 2009

Synopsis: “In the throes of his first love, Kentarou Sawai can’t even count on beginner’s luck to get him closer to Karen Toguin, the girl of his dreams. When he spontaneously enrolls in Karen’s high school just to be closer to her, his hopes are crushed when it turns out she’s on a leave of absence! Now poor, luckless Kentarou is stuck in a dorm full of girls who aren’t Karen and insist on pushing Kentarou to the brink of insanity! Can Kentarou hold on to his love for Karen, or will his new living experience make him swear off all women for good?!”

I think the first thing that really grabbed my attention about this book was the art. It’s fairly standard to the manga style, but it’s incredibly clean and crisp, which is always nice to see. The book is laid out very nicely, with each episodic chapter easy to read. Sadly, though, there isn’t a whole lot of plot to drive this story. It’s based on stereotypical gimmicks and situations that are, again, standard in the genre.

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Review: Zombie Loan (Vol. 06)

Manga-ka: Peach-Pit
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: June 2009

Synopsis: “Z-Loan’s forced to duke it out with A-Loan to see who can earn ten million yen first! But just as the challenge gets underway, the illegal zombies are nowhere to be found! Just what is going on!? Michiru hones her Shinigami Eyes under Zarame’s tutelage as faces from the past make sudden appearances, with some even joining the team! When the illegal zombies finally show up on school grounds, A-Loan and Z-Loan find themselves locked in and fighting side by side. Can they actually cooperate with one another? And who’ll get the money first!?”

The story takes an interesting turn here in the sixth volume of Zombie Loan, as we discover that Z-Loan now has some competition which opened up right across the street: A-Loan! And to make matters worse, with the new trio of legal zombies out there collecting bounties, they are presented with a most alarming challenge. If they aren’t able to raise ten million yen by the end of the month, the entire Z-Loan will go under.

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Review: Clan of the Nakagamis (Vol. 02) – The Devil Cometh

Manga-ka: Homerun Ken
Publisher: June
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: May 2009

Synopsis: “You’ve already met Keiichi Maebara and his mischievous friends in the Abducted by Demons Arc. But Oyashiro-sama’s curse is poised to strike anew in Hinamizawa village. When Keiichi spots tomboy Mion working at a maid café, he can hardly believe his eyes! But it’s not Mion after all — it’s her identical twin sister, Shion. Keiichi’s never heard of this “twin sister” before and suspects it’s just another one of Mion’s pranks. But through Shion, Keiichi is able to see a quieter, more feminine side of his best friend, even if it is all an act. As Keiichi spends more time with Shion, however, Rena grows more accusatory…”

I’m going to start this one out by saying I’m not really a huge fan of yaoi. I don’t mean that I don’t like it; I just don’t have a tendency to actively seek the stuff out. That aside, I couldn’t put Clan of the Nakagamis: The Devil Cometh down. Though I can’t personally say how clichéd the characters might be, I can honestly say that for all I know they struck me as charmingly unique in all the right ways.

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Review: Higurashi When They Cry (Vol. 02)

Author: Ryukishi07
Manga-ka: Karin Suzuragi
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Release Date: February 2009

Synopsis: “Up until now, Keiichi’s been having the time of his life with his new friends in Hinamizawa. But when their good-natured pranks take a deadly turn, Keiichi grows more and more suspicious about their involvement with the so-called “Oyashiro-sama’s Curse.” Turning to Ooishi-san for reassurance only confirms Keiichi’s worst fears as dark secrets about Rena’s past are revealed. Is it just his imagination? Or do his friends really mean to kill him?”

It should come to no surprise that I loved the conclusion of the Abducted by Demons Arc of this spooky series. The story continues to flow well and only becomes more eerie as it progresses. The artwork matches perfectly, with the characters looking more and more distorted as the climax is reached.

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Review: World of Quest (Vol. 02)

World of Quest (Vol. 02) – Jason Tkruse
Published by Yen Press

This one was quite a treat to read. With every page in full color, and done in a delightfully cartoony style, I was smiling with every turn of the page. For a book pushed toward a younger audience, I have to admit that the story is full of interesting little twists and is absolutely full of imagination. The characters are interesting and I actually laughed out loud at some points.

The story follows the path of a legendary warrior known as Quest, along with the boy prince known as Nestor. Nestor is, as expected of a boy prince, quite full of himself and constantly complaining. Quest begrudges the need to protect him, but unfortunately he hasn’t got much of a choice in the matter.

During their travels through the terrible Forest of EDJ, an old friend of Quest’s joins them. With the griffon named Graer, they face a number of twists and turns with the Snarls before the prince finds out what his dagger is for. Unfortunately, almost immediately after figuring it out, they are attacked by the apparent leader of the villainous group that has been chasing them. The outcome of it is not good for our heros, and this chapter of the story ends off on quite the cliffhanger.

The next one is sure to be quite the read! (Editor’s Note: As of February 2009, World of Quest has been cancelled.)

Review written April 13, 2009 by Gizmo
Book provided by Yen Press for review purposes

Review: Zombie Loan (Vol. 05)

Zombie Loan (Vol. 05) – Peach-Pit
Published by Yen Press

Here we have another installment in an interesting series, Zombie Loan. Though, as much as I have been enjoying the story, occasionally I have to take a minute to really look at the art. I do honestly enjoy the style of the series, but sometimes it’s a little inconsistent and the faces can become lopsided. Overall, though, it does seem far more balanced than the previous volume.

As for the story itself, our heroes have found where their friend and companion Shito is being held and have, of course, started busting zombie heads to go in and valiantly rescue him. Chika is his usual self when it comes to facing Shito, and though he does help his partner out, he does a half-assed job of it that is somehow his way of showing affection. Though the group does manage to find victory against the most recent enemy, Yoshizumi, it does end on a sad note.

While the members of Z-Loan celebrate with drinks and karaoke, we are given the chance to see a little bit more about just what Bekkou does. Remembering his true job as a ferryman, it’s actually quite interesting to see him interact with his coworkers. Not only does the plot thicken as they meet to speak about the recent surge of illegal zombies, but at the very end of the volume a surprising twist is given that is sure to give Michiru and the rest of Z-Loan crew trouble for the next volume!

Review written April 13, 2009 by Gizmo
Book provided by Yen Press for review purposes

Review: Higurashi When They Cry (Vol. 01)

Author: Ryukishi07
Manga-ka: Karin Suzuragi
Publisher: Yen
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Released: November 2008

Synopsis: “Keiichi has just moved to a seemingly peaceful new town. He’s making friends and enjoying his life until one day he learns of a grisly murder that took place in the little village. His friends won’t give him any details which only adds to Keiichi’s uneasiness. After learning at the town’s annual festival that a death has occurred on that night every year for the past four years, Keiichi is drawn into a web of intrigue…”

This is probably one of the more interesting series that I’ve happened across. I’ve had this volume in my possession for a while but I just haven’t known how to approach writing a review for it. It isn’t a result of not enjoying the series. Quite the contrary! I actually am very fond of Higurashi. It’s another of those series where I had seen pictures of it before I ever knew it existed. I wasn’t really sure what to think until I actually got the opportunity to read it.

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Review: Fate/Stay Night (Vol. 01)

Author: Nishiwaki Dat
Manga-ka: Type-Moon
Publisher: Tokyopop
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Released: October 2008

“When he was little, high school student and amateur mechanic Shirou Emiya was adopted by a magus man. Now he wants nothing more than to follow in his stepfather’s footsteps and become a hero of justice. Little does he know that a war is waging among some chosen magi, and that he is about to become its focal point…”

There was a time when all I knew of the Fate series were the pretty pictures. And, of course, I loved those pretty pictures. Within the last year I had the chance to play through the game. All three routes and the Tiger Dojos too! The story was absolutely amazing. I loved pretty well every moment of it, with the exception of a certain selection of scenes. After I’d played the game inside and out, I sat down to watch the anime. Though it didn’t follow my favorite of the three routes, I still loved just about everything about the anime. So of course, when I finally found the manga on the shelf at my local bookstore, I had to pick it up.

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Review: Zombie Loan (Vol. 04)

Manga-ka: Peach-Pit
Publisher: Yen Press
Rating: Older Teen (16+)
Released: October 2008

Synopsis: “Why, even mean-spirited, ill-mannered, money-grubbing, undead zombie hunters have families! Chika’s overly affectionate dad and his cellphone-happy little sister drop in on the Z-Loan office, much to Chika’s chagrin. All the familial silliness lifts Chika’s mood, but also throws his partner’s dark past into relief. When a horrifying, trust-shattering secret is revealed about Shito amid whisperings of his ties to a powerful Mafia group, will the Z-Loan office ever be the same again?”

Zombie Loan is a series that I first discovered as an anime and I loved it. The story is actually pretty interesting. I was rather sad when the anime came to an abrupt end, and to learn that the manga had been released here made me pretty happy because I’d get a chance to see what other adventures Chika, Shito, and Michiru would go on. And though the manga released here has not yet caught up to the anime, I must say that I have been rather let down.

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